Monday, May 12, 2008

Old and new walls in Montreal

There's a lot of ongoing construction in the Place des Arts area (a.k.a. the Fur District) in Montreal. My favorite construction site has a backdrop of impromtu street art. While admiring the spray paint work, I noticed the ghost of a previous building, which left its trace on another building (which i'm pretty sure is historically protected) . I saw in an art and design magazine that there is another building like this in Montreal's Old Port, where the trace of the old building is accentuated with brick and stonework. Anyone know where this is? I'm on the lookout for it... meanwhile, here's a selection of the new additions to the wall:

Some good faces in this one.

I like the unfinished sketch at the top of this panel. It adds to the feeling of the space as a process.

(Thanks to Mu for the generous loan of his photos)

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